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TS990 : Panne en émission

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TS990 : Panne en émission Empty TS990 : Panne en émission

Message  F5PBG 22/7/2014, 02:18

Voici un retour d'expérience qui relate une panne en émission liée à un mini-coaxial interne a priori :
I had a faulty mini coaxial cable on the PLL unit. Fault came up as an intermittent after 1 month of ownership. Every few days the TX would drop out. Then it would come back randomly. This would repeat every few days randomly. I had to video record the problem for the Kenwood tech as the problem was so random. It took him AGES to find the fault but he DID find the problem eventually.
Kenwood Australia was very good and kept me updated on how they were going trying to find the problem. This was great customer service.
The tech said " We take problems with such an expensive piece of gear very seriously."
It's good when you are dealing a competent and skilled tech.
My radio is now as good as new.
Kenwood in Australia had a 1 year Warranty, but now they have extended theirs to 3 years which is great, but still not a patch on Icom's 5 year warranty...
Thank's Jan ( pronounced yarn) at Kenwood d Australia , you did a fantastic job!!

Les, VK3TEX.

En voici un autre :
Hey everyone, I wanted to share what my TS-990S is doing before I send it away and see if anyone has any suggestions. The radio was working fine one evening and the next evening I turned it on, the screen loaded as normal, but when I went to tune the antenna, it started the usual mechanical tuning and then stopped without returning to receive as normal. The Red transmit light stayed on and no buttons responded to any pressing. The only way to stop the transmitter was to hold the power button down and it would power off. I completely powered the radio down, unplugged it from the AC and then tried the sequence again, same problem. I then did a master reset and nothing helpful came of it. The radio seems to be receiving just fine but the signals seem to be down on the S Meter. I have also tried different antenna ports and the same thing on each.

Is there anything else I can try before getting someone to pack and ship i t for me. My back wont allow me to do it myself, so wanted to see if there was anything I could test or do? I was thinking I bought the radio in late April but turns out it was March and of course the warranty is expired.

Thanks in advance,


Ces commentaires sont issus de la liste https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/TS-990S/info (juillet 2014)

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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