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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 30/11/2017, 19:05

VK3BL vient donc de jouer au beta testeur :

A suivre...

Dernière édition par F5PBG le 25/1/2021, 10:23, édité 2 fois

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 1/1/2018, 11:55

Dans un autre domaine que les pannes, raie parasite générée par le ventilateur (bruit du ventilateur en fait, non perturbation électromagnétique) :
Looking at an audio analysis program fed by the rig's USB, I was surprised to see a heavy peak at 60 Hz. Since we have 50 Hz supplies and the rig is fed by DC it cannot be supply related.
It did not go away when unplugging the microphone so I now wonder if the rig electronics generates that into the audio system.

The acoustic noise generated by the fan when it comes on is also of concern that may need sorting out.
My headset mic picks it up and is quite audible in the earphones and hence transmission.


Using the supplied HM219 (not directional) or my Heil proset plus.
Distance 1m or further. This 250Hz vibration seems to carry far.


Generally one is not a meter away but I pick it up even there and further.
A friend has complained of the same thing. We like a quiet shack hi.
The trouble is the pitch of the noise. It is not low frequency enough.
My settings are: Mic 30%, Monitor 50%, Comp 4, TBW WIDE or MED.
That is enough to drive my 500W linear with 25W.
I have not opened the cover but suspect the fan is rigidly mounted to the frame or maybe has ball bearings.

Hans ZS6KR

A noter qu'il est dommage que ICOM n'ait pas opté pour un démarrage progressif du ventilateur en fonction de la température du radiateur.
Quant au bruit, la solution est sans doute d'éloigner de l'ICOM7610 les microphones trop sensibles.

Les personnes équipées d'amplificateur ne se rendront sans doute pas compte de ce problème...

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 23/2/2018, 08:13

J'aurais du mettre le titre au pluriel...
Cela ne veut pas autant dire que ce poste rencontre de nombreuses pannes, seulement que je m'y intéresse...

Perte de réception :

A priori problème corrigé par la mise à jour du firmware en V1.06
I would like to ask a small favour of all who have experienced main receiver audio loss on their IC-7610.
Please e-mail me (off-list) a short description of the operating conditions and station configuration at the time of the failure, and mention what you did to restore normal operation. I shall forward this information to my Icom contacts for further analysis.
73, Adam VA7OJ/AB4OJ
I had a few issues with my new 7610. HRO has a return policy of 10 days.
After the tone issue and no volume control. Also I think HRD with the settings might cause some issues.
I took it back to store. Bought a 7300.
I'll wait till after Dayton in the hopes they get these radio issues taken care of.
Maybe after Dayton they will also have some discounts and rebates. Hi
I know it's not all the radios having the problems, but it's not worth $4000 dollars
and all the aggravation the way it is to me..
Steve - N8DC
It happens so infrequently, 3 times in 2 months, and recovery so painless why all the fretting over a minor bug that will be fixed shortly?
Tim W4YN
Symptom appears if I qsy to another band or simply after I have transmited
1. Rf on main and sub set to 12 o'clock
2. Firmware 1.04
3. Nothing but power and coax connected
4. Tried multiple resets (full) no joy
5. Turned off rig for 15 minutes
6.Turned back on all seems fine
7. Receive goes dead just listening to a QSO. repeated step 4, 5,and 6
Well, it finally happen to me after almost a month of owning the IC-7610, I experienced a No RX failure.  Specifically, the RX went dead with no signals being heard or displayed on the spectrum scope.
It happened on 75 meters, LSB, whilst turning the VFO to my scheduled frequency.

Important observation:  As soon as I crossed 3.768.000 moving in the direction of 3.800.000, I heard a relay click, and then the RX went dead!  I would have not noticed the relay click if it were not for the fact that I had the audio turned down.

I continued to move the VFO to 3.800.000 and stopped.  The RX was still dead!

Important observation: I reversed the direction of the VFO towards 3.700.000 and as soon as I crossed back over 3.768.000 my RX came back to life immediately after hearing the relay click again.

I don't think a relay click and No RX or a relay click and RX Working again is a coincidence.  I think the relay click has a causal connection to the No Rx.

As bad as that sounds, this type of hardware problem will be easy to trace to a specific lot of relays.  I would recommend that ICOM pull a sample of 3 percent from each lot of these relays and have an independent lab perform Destructive Physical Analysis (DPA) on them.  That will become an important step to rule out Infant Mortality (relays experienced an early life failure).  Does anybody know the reliability (MCBF) on these relays?  I am just curious.

Kevin WA6JKN (Fev 2018)
Knock knock wood here, my 7610 still with original factory FW working fine in all bands all modes, no Rx sensitivity lost in any band segment so far. No tone.
I guess the sent me a good one.
You all have a good week, 73

AD4C (Fev 2018)
I had the tone again yesterday . I hit the button to mute the main receiver then un mute then it was gone and then one time when I unkeyed  I had no receive but this time I just toggled the foot switch and it was good again. No it wasnt hung in TX mode either. Strange stuff.

Dave N8DC (Fev 2018)
Similar for me although I did not write frequencies down I know I was in CW portion of 80 meters and tuning slowly upwards. I heard the click then silence.
Tim W4YN (Fev 2018)
After an uneventful period since I got the 7610 on December 9th, my rig muted (with a tone) about a week ago.  I have already sent a report to Adam (while it was happening :-).

In my case, I was on 18 MHz.  Just a single receiver, no splt, no dual watch.
I held the Tuner button to tune, and after the relays stopped chattering, the rig entered the dreaded mute audio, 500 Hz tone state.
I had the Multi Function Meter screen showing, and could tell that the rig thinks it was still transmitting at 10 watts to operate the tuner.  However, an external power meter showed nothing was going out the antenna spigot.  
(On hindsight, the rig *could* have been tranmitting; just not to the ANT 1 port... I should have checked the ANT-2 port, but didn't think of it at the time.)
The front panel was completely dead.  Every button and every knob (including the Exit button below the display) were unresponsive.
Clicking on the Multi-Funtion knob also did nothing.
I was connected to wsjt-x at the time, and the program reported it had lost CI-V connection.  
The USB CI-V and codec ports still appear on the USB Tree of Mac OS X.  I had a program written for Mac OS X (Serial Tools) which could connect to the CI-V port (i.e., Unix open call was successful), but could not get CI-V to respond to commands.
I also have an audio pass-through program that I had written for the 7610 (sends USB codec output to computer speakers), and that too could connect, but no data was coming from the 7610's codec.
After a couple of minutes, the fan finally came on at low speed.
Since the front panel was unresponsive, I had to turn off power to the rig at my power suppy (I run 15.0 volts on receive).
After letting it sit for a minute with no power, I turned the power supply back on and booted the 7610 (power button).
Everything was normal, but the fan ran at a full blast.  The Multi Function Meter did not show high temperature (to be expected, if that sensor was monitoring just the PA, and the PA was not on).
The fan finally slowed to the lower speed (there may just be two fan speeds on the 7610, irritating, and *really* irritating :-).  
The fan sat at the lower speed for a very long time.  Perhaps the FPGAs were running hot when it was in the unresponsive mode?
I don't know about causality, but in my case, the mute + tone occured right after some relays engaged/disengaged.
73 Chen, W7AY (Fev 2018)
I have had my 7610 for about a week now, and last night scared me. I had left the rig on receiving Ft8 on 20 meters while I left the shack for dinner.
On my return an hour later, I had no audio, the waterfall looked like a snow storm, like a white out. No background noise, Nada! Dead.
I immediately turned the radio off and let it sit for a half hour. I waited with baited breath.
When I turned it back on, all was okay, no problem. I don't know if this was the reported "no audio problem" or not?
I am now a bit fearful to leave the radio on for extended periods. Just a report to Adam here. Just in case.
BTW...I had updated to the latest firmware just yesterday morning.
Rich - W4RQ (Fev 2008)
This is the second time whilst turning up the band my Rx went dead.  I had just switched bands from 40 meters to 20 meters and when I reached 14.168 Mhz the RX went dead and the Specrtum Scope showed no signals.  I turned the volume way up and started tuning up the band again and came across what sounded like an "out of band signal" (Not the Tone) that was very very week as if a Oscillator Phased Lock Loop "unlocked" leaving me with a possible IF artifact.  Once I reached 14.200 Mhz I reversed my turning direction and started down frequency and when I passed 14.168 Mhz the RX and Spectrum Scope returned to life.  I could NOT hear a relay click as I had volume way up listening to static, but I suspect that a relay may have click like before as I had the Tuner on, etc.

Configuration at time of No Rx Event #2:

1. No USB disital cables connected.
2  Did not TX yet (No RF in shack)
3, LAN connected to Ethernet Bridge
4. Mode SSB
5. Blue Tooth Keyboard and Mouse
6. Bencher connected to front Elec-Key jack
7. External ICOM Speaker
8. ANT 1 only (Fan Dipole 20, 40, & 75)
9. P.AMP Off
10. ATT Off
11: IP+ Off
13 VOX off
14. Comp on Wide
15. Spectrum Scope EXPD
16. ICOM SM-50
17, Tuner On (internal)
18. Not Using any memories except for RTTY & CW messages.
19. 32GB SD Card for audio recording and setting backup.
20. My Station is both RF and Electrically grounded, LM400 coax, N and PL-259 connectors

I will provide my failure report to Adam, dealership, and ICOM in hopes that this will help solve the No Rx and/or start the replacement/refund process.
vr, Kevin - WA6JKN

Vidéo du phénomène

Perte de ... :
I went to HRO and took the 7610 back and picked up a new one. As soon as i got it home i put in the Latest firmware.
Low and behold i have the same issues with the Decode as i did with the last two. I have pictures of what the decode scope looks like but
and not familiar on how to upload them to this group. I think with the pictures it would explain better.
As for what i had connected to the 7610 at the time of the issues with the receiver was the USB cable, DVI to HDMI to TV for a monitor.
Plus one speaker jack and that's all that was connected. I talked to tech at Icom but he's not in today so could not give him the run down
of the same issues on the new radio. Serial Number on the last radio is 12002376, this one i picked up today is 12001873 older than the last one.
If you need the pictures tell me were to upload them..
This is my third 7610.  All three had issues.

Steve W1SWR

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Lorsque l'IC7610 voit rouge

Message  F5PBG 15/5/2018, 18:07

Défaut aléatoire rencontré en mai 2018 par un radioamateur américain (Kent N Darlene)

ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées HEpqfwvwn2g_panne-aleatoire-ecran-ic7610

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 21/5/2018, 10:19

Just purchased 3 days ago. Came with 1.04 firmware so updated to 1.06. It has been working normally up until a couple hours ago.
I noticed the audio scope FFT was not displaying the received signal that was still shown on the scope side. No response to pressing
menu button. I then tried to power it off and it froze at the powering down message on screen. I had to shut the power
supply off to reset. It powered up by itself when the supply was turned on, so it did not remember that I pressed the power button.
Unit is back to normal and I've made a few contacts. Serial number range is 120022XX.
I have the RC-28 plugged in, as well as ethernet cable and rear USB2 cable, along with USB interface plugged into ACC1. All this was working and is once again.
I was toggling between TX and RX looking at the waveform from the USB interface (running FT8) mode was USB-D1. On 7.074 Mhz

Richard WB6NGC - Mai 2018
My receiver has started losing audio output on the main channel only.  When it goes silent I can move the volume control or touch the screen and it comes back for a while, but not permanently.  Have any of you had this problem, and if so did you find a solution.  I have the 1.06 software upgrade installed.  Robert, W7GKM - Mai 2018 

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 6/6/2018, 23:18

Panne d'écran...
Le poste étant garantie deux ans (en France du moins) il est clairement préférable de laisser l' IC7610 en fonction le plus souvent possible pour s'assurer de la fiabilité de l'écran.

Have you by chance heard what ICOM plans on doing about all these Screen Washout problems?  Given that my IC-7610 serial number falls between the S/Ns of the screen failure events reported so far, it's most likely my display is defective too along with many others.

It has been suggested that maybe I should leave my radio on 24/7 to accelerate the opportunity to fail before the warranty runs out.  This is silly and I'd rather see ICOM step up and identify all the affected radios by S/N so we can schedule our returns for new displays.

Based on reading though this group's messages, it appears that this is a known problem and based on the S/N data provided so far by this group, there are a lot of potential radio's that will most likely experience a screen failure over the next many months.  

I would like to point out that the number of incident reports is Not the main issue.  It's the number of radios involved by S/N in the population from the lowest S/N to the highest S/N where a radio has experienced a screen failure.  Please see the screen failures reported below:

1) K3HTK,  2/1/2018, No S/N, Top left side washed out
2) N8DC, 2/1/2018, 12001026, Lower left side washed out
3) K6DHL 2/3/2018 12001103 See Spec Scope burn in
4) WB5JJJ,  5/13/2018, 12001105, 1/4 of the screen is fading
5) W5JMW, 5/11/2018,  No S/N,   Burn in of previous screen
6) N8DC, 5/29/2018, 12002146, Display issue again and this time the right side of the screen is washing out
7) N0JX, 6/1/2018,  No S/N, Right side Washed out
8 ) N8AWW, 6/2/2018, No S/N, Similar problem (washed out)

Interesting history that was reported to this group by W5JMW ON May 11:

No Barry, It is only some units. Icom told me the vendor assured Icom this could not happen. When Icom saw this I understand they quit using that model.  I spoke to Icom last week.  Since there is a full year warranty they suggested to hold and see if any other problems occurred.  I would do the same thing again, even after the screen issue.  You can easily see the screen.  There is a burn in of a previous screen way in the background.  I would suggest either a brand new one or a re-pack that has full warranty.  Whatever problems they will repair..73 john

Adam, please work your magic and see what can be done to ensure the best possible outcome.

vr, Kevin, wa6jkn

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 22/6/2018, 08:30

Plus un léger défaut qu'une panne : Bourdonnement en approchant un objet de l'écran tel qu'un stylet
The hum is heard when using a touch stylus, but not as loud.  My experimenting to identify the conditions which produce the loudest hum, I noticed the following:  Please note: Only happens on 6 meters.

    1. As I use palm of my hand and slowly approach the screen, the hum gets louder and louder.  I don't have to touch the screen for the hum to be heard.
    2.  Disconnected antenna and no change.
    3. Turned off all devices in shack, no change/
    4. Measured for common mode between equipment (AC/DC) and get zero.
    5. Toggling P.AMP from off to 1 & 2 increase the volume of the hum.
    6.  Hum is not heard when I stay away from the screen with any objects.

Power supply has a grounded plug.
Hope this helps!
    Kevin, wa6jkn

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty IC7610 : Panne de réception

Message  F5PBG 29/7/2018, 09:49

Imaginons que cette panne survienne à la fin de la garantie.
Tout le monde n'est pas à 3500 euros près, certes...


got the 7610 last week. Saturday morning the RX was dead after switching on. No chance to get them back, even with a full reset.
Not a big issue as the dealer wants to replace them, but anyone has experienced the same?

73 Ulf, DL5AXX

A suivre...

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 4/11/2018, 00:50

Marquage de l'écran :
Il est sans doute préférable d'éviter les contrastes élevés...

ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Marquage

et sur le même matériel, affichage non uniforme de l'écran :

ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Degrade

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 18/11/2018, 18:07

Ecran... Encore...
09/10/2018 a écrit:Just today, a bright, persistent, perfectly vertical green line suddenly showed up on the display of my IC-7610 (firmware v1.11).  I've tried power cycling the unit but the green line is still there.  On my display, this green line appears alittle over an inch away from the left side of the touch screen (it's positioned directly above the "M.Scope" physical button.

Anybody else having this problem with their IC-7610 display?
13/11/2018 a écrit:I have a feeling my display screen, is not up to standard. Iam comparing it with
my External display monitor, which is Vibrant, Contrast, and  Colours  are nice,
But on the ic7610 screen, complete lack of contrast, even with backlight  at 100%,
The black background looks more grey then black, I also see image persistence,
on the screen, more so when i go into menu and set, If i set the lcd backlight to 50%
it just looks dull , I have no other screen problems just the above , but to my eyes
it just does not look correct, Anyone out there see similar with their rig, or do i need
new glasses hi. Serial no is 13001376  rig is 10 mth old.
Tom ei4dq
14/11/2018 a écrit:I took delivery of my 7610 in mid December and I had my screen replaced in June.  However the replacement screen is starting to show the same symptoms as the original screen with bleed through.  The problem is very evident when I first turn the radio on but after 30-40 minutes it's almost unnoticeable.   Im concerned the condition will continue to degrade over time.  I dread having to ship the radio off to Michigan again.

15/11/2018 a écrit:Good morning.
FYI, I had my IC7610 screen replaced in late July. 
I just returned my IC7610 to have that (replacement) screen replaced. It looked worse than the original screen that was replaced in July.
I purchased my rig in mid January.
Edd - KD5M
15/11/2018 a écrit:My first 7610 had two replacement screens go bad. A new rig sent as a replacement is beginning to show symptoms already. I will hold off on this one to wait for Icom to
straighten it out before sending it in under warranty... This MUST be addressed...
21/06/2019 a écrit:My second display is also degrading. I was offered a replacement that the local ICOM repair shop had in stock 
but told them they better scrap it since nobody in their right mind would accept it. I will turn my unit in for repair 
once I am sure to get the new display panel. 

Neither the local dealer nor the repair shop have any information on the display case.  
ICOM does not seem to communicate at all on this. Not a great strategy for building 
customer confidence. Or dealer confidence, for that matter.  

Björn SM7IUN
21/06/2019 a écrit:Wanting to send mine in for the 4th display failure between two rigs.
No replies today from Washington service center...
22/06/2019 a écrit:My second display is also toast. Holding on until I hear of a definitive step-change in screen quality.  I am confident it will be replaced under warranty even though its out of warranty.

Sensibilité à la HF ..? Un comble pour un émetteur si c'est le cas...
11/05/2018 a écrit:Has anyone else had their radio reboot during cw transmission? It's happened to me twice recently now. And once again this morning while I was running VARA an AFSK mode. RF getting in somewhere maybe? Funny thing is, everything was working just fine for a month or so and then it just started happening. Haven't made any big changes to my station or anything. Puzzling and therefore troubling.

Many thanks..  Ridge/N3JUY
15/03/2018 a écrit:I have had this problem since I got the radio.The vfo frequency drops to a memory channel for no reason.When this happens there is no audio,screen goes dead,no audio.I found that if I hit the quick menu I could restore it fairly easily by just hitting vfo button.Today I found the fix.I am running a icom-7610 and a om power 2000a+.I found that the amp was polling the radio for frequency.The radio took one of the polls as a command to switch to memory.The final fix for me and perhaps others who are having similar experiances.Go to menu,set,connectors,civ...and change from auto baud to a fixed baud rate.I chose 4800.The reason for the slow speed is because it's just frequency,Doesn't have to be fast.I don't know if this will fix problems with any amps that use civ.It die on the ompower.I want to thank all on this list.I want to especially thank Ray Novak with Icom for all the support He gave me.At times this was driving me nuts.He listened to my complaints and help calm an old man,hi..hope this helps,73 john w5jmw

Dernière édition par F5PBG le 25/6/2019, 09:16, édité 3 fois

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 16/12/2018, 07:33

Encore des marquages d'écran :
My IC-7610 I got just two weeks ago shows burn in marks Sad
I have set the display power-saver to 15 minutes, the transceiver is always on.
ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Marquage-hb9tmc
That is exactly what the original screen looked like on my 7610, i had the display replaced after 6 months.


A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 31/12/2018, 18:01

Aucune idée si la méthode ci-dessous améliore ou non l'affichage.
Je la conserve ici mais à tester à vos risques et périls...

I've been reading about "resetting the crystals" in LCD screens so I thought I would experiment on my IC-7610 to see if I could affect the screen. It seems to have helped mine and maybe 
some others could try this and report their results. 

What you want is the brightest screen possible running overnight or at least for a few hours. 
To accomplish this:
1. Go to menu / Set / Display / Screen Saver --- Turn off
2. LCD Backlight 100%
3. Display Type B (ugly mode)
4. Meter type (Normal Screen) BAR
5. Push M.Scope until scope is off
6. Mine looked worse on the right side so I punched VFO B to light up the meter on that side.
7. Go to bed
8. Change everything back to normal.

Ideally a totally white screen or bright, random colors would be better for this but not available to my knowledge.

So that's it. Let us know what happens. Mine looks better. There's room for improvement of course. 
Steve N4LQ

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 25/6/2019, 09:18

F5PDQ a acheté son IC7610 en Juillet 2018.
Le marquage de l'écran s'est manifesté en novembre 2018.
Ecran changé sous garantie, plus de problème pour le moment...

En résumé, pour répondre à ce que nous pouvons entendre sur l'air
ce problème n'arrive pas qu'aux USA.

D'après WA6JKN, les nouveaux IC7610 ont été dotés de nouveaux écrans pour pallier ce problème.
A suivre...


A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées Empty Re: ICOM IC7610 : Pannes rencontrées

Message  F5PBG 13/9/2019, 09:03

Propos intéressant du 13 septembre 2019. En gras la partie qui m'a intéressé hormis le fait
de signaler que les nouveaux écrans ne résolvent peut-être pas le problème.

Si je disposais d'un IC7610, je contacterais ICOM pour avoir une trace écrite personnelle pour
m'assurer qu'en cas de défaillance de l'écran, cet écran serait changé même en dehors de la
période de garantie.

En effet, les propos de WA6JKN ne sont en aucun cas un texte officiel de garantie...

wa6jkn a écrit:../..

My experience compels me to wait for the failure review results and/or history of success with the new displays as I have run and/or participated in thousands of complex system and component level failure reviews on multi-billion dollar programs during my 45 year working career. 

For those wondering why I have not sent my radio in for a screen replacement is simple.  The replacement screens have been reported to exhibit the same grayed out and burn-in (persistence) effects.  That known fact was a show stopper for me and convinced me that there was no point of getting a display screen replacement without knowing the root cause of failure.  Besides, I just did not think it would take this long to solve the problem.  Even today, I still do not know for certain if the problem is in the display screen or the radio and I don't think ICOM knows either. 

It's important to note that ICOM told me they will provide screen replacements even on the radios out of warranty at no charge.  

Everything else about the radio IMHO is World Class and it's just unfortunate that the display screen for the radio in my case is not and has made my experience awful.  For this reason, my patience with ICOM is running thin as we are approaching the second year mark.    

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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