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FT991A : Moins de pannes potentielles ..? ... ou pas ..?

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FT991A : Moins de pannes potentielles ..? ... ou pas ..? Empty FT991A : Moins de pannes potentielles ..? ... ou pas ..?

Message  F5PBG 11/12/2017, 08:01

Ci-dessous un extrait du courriel que je viens de recevoir de F1EHM.

a priori, voici ce que j'en déduis personnellement :
. Aucune remise en question de la boite de couplage ;
. Aucune remise en question du bouton du VFO
entre autre.

Je vous laisse en déduire vos propres conclusions.


j'ai reçu cette réponse de Y.... UK, ce matin, comme si ils n’étaient pas au courant des problèmes de boite de couplage du FT-991.
Donc toujours aucune solution de trouvée
73 F1ehm


Message de Paul B... 10:17 16-11-2016

I am sorry you are having a problem with your FT-991 Tuner.
I can confirm that the change to the FT-991A has nothing to do with the Tuner operation. it is related to the changes to the screen for  the waterfall and spectrum screens only.
Please advise where you are located, your callsign and the serial number of your radio. Also can you advise the Firmware versions of your radio.
Please also advise more details of the problem you are having with the ATU? What antenna are you using?

We can always fix your radio if you send it the UK office, but I would like to understand the problem before we ask you to send to the UK office.
Best Regards

P... B.....
Y..... M.... Co. Ltd

Décembre 2017

I started running into an issue with my 991A when attempting to tune my antenna between 14.000 and 14.093

In all cases it just immediately gives a pulse and then stops, turning off the tuner.  Now, I have 4 other radios hooked up to the same antenna via a switch (and I swapped positions to make sure it's not the switch).  An FTDX5000, FTDX3000 and an Elecraft K3.  All radios except the 991A tune without issues and give a low SWR.

So, I took out my antenna analyser and the SWR over this range never gets over 1:3.
I then hooked up a dummy load to the 991A and there are no issues tuning over the range at all.
So, where to look?
73 Tom - yaesu.va2fsq.com

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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