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FT991 : Accès aux strapps de configuration (Vidéo)

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FT991 : Accès aux strapps de configuration (Vidéo) Empty FT991 : Accès aux strapps de configuration (Vidéo)

Message  F5PBG 28/4/2015, 08:35

Le danger principal est la destruction d'une nappe de liaison :

Yaesu FT-991 Mars/Cap Mod Control Unit Access Instructions a écrit:How to get to that pesky Control Unit to do the Mars/cap mod on the Yaesu FT-991. Then just do the solder bridge on JP3003, which is 6 bridges over from the left (next to the 2 small resistors) There are many pictures online of this, just no-one showing you how to get to it, so here you go.

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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