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OZQRP sort un nouveau kit...

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OZQRP sort un nouveau kit... Empty OZQRP sort un nouveau kit...

Message  F4HLQ 28/1/2016, 15:19

OZQRP sort un nouveau kit... MST3_product_page

1. Plug-in band filters for single band operation on 80M, 40M 20M or 17M. 
2. Sensitive Superhetrodyne receiver using a 10MHz crystal filter. 
3. Nominal 5W output. 
4. CW operation using tone method. 
5. Microphone amplifier accepts standard low impedance dynamic or Electret microphone with selectable on-board bias resistor. 
6. LED transmit power and modulation indicator, or use optional LED S meter. 
7. TDA7052A IC for speaker. 
8. Very effective audio AGC. 
9. New Intelligent Tone Module (ITM) provides good quality sinewave tones for testing and CW operation. 
10. LSB/USB switch. 
11. Reverse polarity protection using on-board MOSFET. 

99 dollars Austarlien soit env 64€.

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Date d'inscription : 17/02/2014

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