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FT991 : Mise à jour

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FT991 : Mise à jour Empty FT991 : Mise à jour

Message  F5PBG 25/7/2015, 10:49

Main: Ver. 0202, DSP: Ver. 0104 and TFT: Ver. 0201 (07/24/15)
• The WIRES-X function is added*
• Improved and optimized.
*This new firmware update enables the FT-991 operator to connect to a WiRES-X Node station and easily communicate worldwide through the WiRES-X VoIP network, without the need for any additional accessories.
We hope this new firmware will increase your enjoyment of your FT-991.

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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FT991 : Mise à jour Empty FT991 : Mise à jour du 2-12-2016

Message  F5PBG 4/12/2016, 02:19

MAIN Firmware Ver. 02-17 (12/02/16)
• Add a DCS encoding function (decode off) in DCS function.
• The TOT (time-out timer) added a warning sound ten seconds before the time-out.
• Improved and optimized.
TFT Firmware Version 02-04 (12/02/16)
DSP Firmware Version 01-09 (12/02/16)
C4FM DSP Firmware Version 04-15 (12/02/16)
• Improved and optimized.

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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