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IC7800 : Arrêt de la fabrication

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IC7800 : Arrêt de la fabrication Empty IC7800 : Arrêt de la fabrication

Message  F5PBG 25/9/2014, 16:05

Je viens de lire ceci :

I was inforfmed last night by a friend who is an Icom dealer, that he had received an email from Icom stating that the IC7800 has been discontinued. He will be checking with his sales manager today to see if he can garner further information. Maybe Adam can try some of his sources.
George K5JZ

Hello George:
I work for an Icom dealer. I can confirm that the IC-7800 is discontinued.
I can help you if you need further information.
Very 73,
Tim K3LR
@ DX Engineering

A bientôt,
Ludovic - http://inforadio.free.fr

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008


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